Paintings by Ethan Cranke

For all collecting/price inquiries, my email account is:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"Déjeuner Sur L'herbe II / Deconstructing the form IV"

"Déjeuner Sur L'herbe II / Deconstructing the form IV"
7 inches x 6 inches
Oil on Gesso on PVA Size on Masonite Panel
September 21, 2011


  1. wow ethan. this is fantastic work! i see you are taking your work in a new direction, or so it seems, well done... viva la evolution! : )


  2. Very warm and inviting. I like the lines in this composition.

  3. Thank you, my friends.

    Susan, I am glad that you think so! :)

    Annie, yes, Viva! ;)
    There should be a heap more to follow too, of a similar slant, if all goes well. So, please stay tuned!
