All photos, including my avatar portrait, were taken by Fredrik Reiz. He does a wonderful job, is very easy to work with, uses top of the line equipment, and is available for commissions. Drop me a line, if you'd like to hire him.
"Little Black Bird" 3 inches x 4 inches (76.2mm x 101.6mm) Oil on Solid Oak, Prepped w/ P.V.A and Lead Ground
Ecstatically overwhelmed by the newly arrived colors and smells of Autumn, I opted to perch one of my stuffed birds amongst some branches, outside of my studio; so that I could sit and enjoy the entirety of what this gorgeous morning had to offer. I apologize for the glare, this one ended up being quite thickly painted and is still very wet. I will post a better pic, after it has had a few days to dry. Cheers.
"Stream of Consciousness" 19 inches x 22 inches Oil sketch on Bristol Prepped with P.V.A. and old-fashioned Gesso
This was my morning oil sketch from the day before I started the blog. Mind/dreamscape, I often have no idea what these are going to look like until they are finished. I only plan out what sort of palette I want to work with, and choose whether I want the composition to be vertical or horizontal; from there, I move forward in an "ad-lib" fashion.
I try to do these at "lightning speed," primarily using large size brushes, through out the duration of the painting. It's a good way to wake up/warm up, and get the day's work rolling.
Artist's Biography-
Born in San Francisco, Ethan Cranke was raised in Sonoma County, both aesthetically and intellectually, on the values prominently associated with Northern California. With an emphasis on free-spirited creativity that is anchored in a devotion to nature and humanity, Ethan conveys what is around and inside of him almost exclusively through the medium of oil paint.
Ethan has painted ever since he can remember. Things began to get serious when he first encountered his earliest mentor, Elfi Chester. She was a good friend and a great painter, whose advice he has dearly missed since she passed away July 16, 2004. She made clear that it was perfectly viable for a person to spend their life as a professional artist, rather than as a hobbyist.
He left the comforts of the West Sonoma County redwoods, in 1997, to study painting at the San Francisco Art Institute. There he was allowed to thoroughly explore his medium, mostly under the guidance of Bruce McGaw (of the Bay Area Figurative Movement) and Jeremy Morgan. Having returned to Sonoma County in 2002, he has been painting full time at his Guerneville studio ever since.
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