Over the course of the weekend of July 29th-31st, 2011, the artists of Kianga Ellis Projects, Santa Fe (Ethan Cranke, Peter Daverington, Brian Dupont, Jeannette Ehlers, Sabina Forbes II, Nikita Gale, Clarity Haynes, Laura Isaac, Elisa Kreisinger, Nikolaj Recke, Bryan Reyna, Maritza Ruiz-Kim, Painta, Jason Varone, and Katarina Wong), and Kianga Ellis, joined together for a weekend of ground breaking art talks. These talks did nothing less than raise the bar for contemporary art dialog and new media. Combining a live broadcast (via ustream: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/kianga-ellis-projects ) with on site and off site participants via skype and twitter.
Please visit: http://kiangaellisprojects.com/home.html to see further images of the art as well as to learn more about the artists and the project in general.
Archived video of the art talk that was broadcast live, on Saturday, July 30, 2011 (if it has trouble loading, hit pause, and let it buffer for a little while):
"Fire Man" Series and Price List See something that you like? Please contact Kianga via kianga@kiangaellisprojects.com Or, fill out the contact form here:
http://kiangaellisprojects.com/contact.html She will be happy to fill your order, and will make every effort to ensure that your collecting experience is a pleasant and memorable one.
All works have been archivally mounted, matted, and framed (please watch the youtube video above, to see the frames).
"Tree 1"
3.75 inches x 3.75 inches
Oil on Bristol Vellum
April 2011
Price: $270.00 (plus tax, shipping and handling)
"Tree 2"
6.25 inches x 7.25 inches
Oil on Bristol Vellum
April 2011
Price: $340.00 (plus tax, shipping and handling)
"Fire Man"
3 inches x 4 inches
Oil on Gesso on PVA Size on Bristol Vellum
May 2011
Price: $290.00 (plus tax, shipping and handling)
"Fire Man II: Art Is An Act of Self-Immolation/We All Like To Watch"
2 inches x 4 inches
Oil on Gesso on PVA Size on Bristol Vellum
May 2011
Price: $290.00 (plus tax, shipping and handling)
"Fire Man III: Art Is An Act of Self-Immolation / We All Like To Watch From Different Angles"
3 inches x 4 inches
Oil on Gesso on PVA Size on Bristol Vellum
May 2011
Price: $290.00 (plus tax, shipping and handling)
"Fire Man IV: Art Is An Act of Self Immolation / Sometimes We Burn More Brightly When Together"
3 inches x 4 inches
Oil on Gesso on PVA Size on Solid Oak
May 2011
Price: $300.00 (plus tax, shipping and handling)
"Fire Man V: Art is An Act of Self-Immolation / We Are All Participants"
8 inches x 11 inches
Oil on Gesso on PVA Size on Bristol Vellum
May 2011
Price: $530.00 (plus tax, shipping and handling)
Fire Man VI: Art Is An Act of Self-Immolation / Everything Eventually Catches On"
8 inches x 10 inches
Oil on Gesso on PVA Size on Bristol Vellum
June 2011
Price: $530.00 (plus tax, shipping and handling)
"Fire Man VII: Art Is An Act of Self-Immolation / Feel Free To Jump In At Any Time"
11 inches x 14 inches
Oil on Gesso on PVA Size on Bristol Vellum
June 2011
Price: $740.00 (plus tax, shipping and handling)
"Fire Man VIII: Art Is An Act of Self-Immolation / ... "
11 inches x 14 inches
Oil on Gesso on PVA Size on Bristol Vellum
June 2011
Price: $740.00 (plus tax, shipping and handling)
Artist's Biography-
Born in San Francisco, Ethan Cranke was raised in Sonoma County, both aesthetically and intellectually, on the values prominently associated with Northern California. With an emphasis on free-spirited creativity that is anchored in a devotion to nature and humanity, Ethan conveys what is around and inside of him almost exclusively through the medium of oil paint.
Ethan has painted ever since he can remember. Things began to get serious when he first encountered his earliest mentor, Elfi Chester. She was a good friend and a great painter, whose advice he has dearly missed since she passed away July 16, 2004. She made clear that it was perfectly viable for a person to spend their life as a professional artist, rather than as a hobbyist.
He left the comforts of the West Sonoma County redwoods, in 1997, to study painting at the San Francisco Art Institute. There he was allowed to thoroughly explore his medium, mostly under the guidance of Bruce McGaw (of the Bay Area Figurative Movement) and Jeremy Morgan. Having returned to Sonoma County in 2002, he has been painting full time at his Guerneville studio ever since.
All works and pictures here, unless otherwise indicated, are protected by copyright. No part of this site, ethancranke.blogspot.com, or any of the content herein may be used or reproduced in any form without express permission of the copyright holder.