I custom made this stretcher frame from recycled Douglas Fir flooring, that was originally destined for the scrap heap(such a lovely/useful wood, it would have been a waste to let it go, IMO). I ripped each plank on the table saw for proper width, routed the canvas sides for a raised edge along the perimeter, and mitered the corners to fit. In the above photo, I am readying the first crossbeam.
Second crossbeam...
Using 6 criss-crossing brad nails and glue for all of the joints. In the above photo, you can see one of the corner braces being put into place.
And done... In the above photo, you are looking at a 6 foot tall by 5 foot wide canvas stretcher frame. I, of course, had to stop and rest, intermittently, through out the day; paying close attention to my level of fatigue, and napping when I needed to. All in all, I feel that this day was well spent.
A closer look at my joinery, and the raised perimeter edge that I mentioned...